Sparkling shiny things with Metal and SwiftUI
October 20, 2024
Today's inspiration comes from this amazing animation.
Decomposing the details, there are three main parts of this interaction:
- Glowing border
- Ripple wave
- Flowing particles
We will create them step-by-step with Metal and SwiftUI, starting from top to bottom
But before all define the basic layout of our view. Further we will be enhancing it step by step.
Glowing border
Before writing shader code we need to plan the behaviour. So the main trigger of glowing effect is the location of the user's touch. The rule is:
The closer the border is to the point of touch, the brighter it is. Conversely, the further away it is, the more transparent it is.
Schematically it would be illustrated as this. Thicker rectangle represents brighter pixels, thinner - dimmer.
Thus one of the main parameters for the shader to work is the touch location, moreover we need to distinguish the first touch from all the others happening while user is dragging a finger.
Touch handling
Let's play from this and define the infrastructure for touch handling in the initial view, here DragState
models the two states of user touches.
Next update the view hierarchy with a DragGesture
instance. We set it's minimum distance to .zero
so the gesture starts right after user is touching a screen. Using .updating
modifier we associate the gesture with the previously defined DragGesture
You can read more about modeling complex gestures in this article from Apple
At this point, it remains to define the logic for handling gesture states. Every time the user triggers a gesture, we start in the inactive state - this is handled automatically by SwiftUI. Now all we need to do is assign the location position and move on to the next state.
When the user drags their finger, we update the location based on the view size as well.
Here clamp
is the mathematical function which checks that the current value does not exceed the defined limits. If the value is within limits, it will be returned, otherwise the nearest limit value will be returned. For example, 3.clamp(min: 4, max: 6)
will return 4, because the provided value 3 is lower than the minimum available value 4.
Thus, the location calculation means that the location of the gesture should not extend beyond the bounds of the current view.
Glowing shader
Now we are good to proceed with the shader itself, start by creating a ViewModifier
to incapsulate the related logic. The touch location required to calculate the glow intensity is represented by the origin
Populate function body with the visualEffect
modifier call.
As the documentation states, this modifier provides information about view's geometry without affecting it's layout. Seems to be a nice alternative to the GeometryProxy
when it comes to animations.
One of the effects we want to use here is the colorEffect
. This modifier builds SwiftUI visual effect instance based on the provided Metal shader.
Thanks to ShaderLibrary
type, SwiftUI is capable to retrieve Metal shaders and interact with them.
syntax means that the shader code search will take place in the main bundle. If.metal
files are located in a bundle other than.main
, useShaderLibrary.bundle(_:)
We access a required shader just by calling it as a usual Swift function, it works because of the @dynamicMemberLookup
on top of ShaderLibrary
. In our case we assume that the shader function name we will define in .metal
file will be glow
In the method call we pass the necessary parameters, in our case it is the touch location and view size. To make them understandable for Metal, we wrap them in the float2
primitive, which is basically a vector / list / array / ordered pair of two values. Such a pair is in fact CGPoint
or CGSize
See the
type to find more primitives available for passing.
Let's proceed to writing the shader code. Create a new .metal
file and add the following starter code.
First we need to normalise the received coordinates within the bounds of the current view in order to perform further calculations without depending on the absolute values of the dimensions.
To do this we divide the coordinates by the size of the view.
Next we calculate the distance from the origin to the pixel on the border.
The glow intensity will be based on exponent of negated distance square. This function is ideal for our problem - as the distance increases, the resulting value tends to zero.
You can use graphtoy to verify the behaviour of the described functions.
Then we modulate the intensity a bit to further limit the spread of the glow. Here the smoothstep
function acts pretty the same way as the clamp
function we've defined earlier
Here is the demonstration of the composition of these functions.
And finally all we need is return the resulting color with the applied intensity coefficient.
Check the resulting code to make sure nothing is missed.
Back to SwiftUI code, we need to apply this shader. Initializing ProgressiveGlow
, we
The glow effect we applied to the Capsule uses a SwiftUI-only implementation, which is detailed in this article.
You may notice that the glow starts at the top left corner, moreover it's displayed all the time, regardless of whether there is an active touch or not.
Timing the glow
To fix this, we need to introduce the concept of glow progress assuming that it’s value may vary in range from 0.0 to 1.0. Here we also introduce declare amplitude that will help us control the glow intensity from the outside.
Since from SwiftUI we call this shader as colorEffect
, in Metal we need to define its interface in a special way. In short, [[ stitchable ]]
allows us to delegate the search and method call to SwiftUI, the position
and color
parameters are also passed by SwiftUI automatically.
More about attributes in Metal can be found in the official language specification.
First modify the original intensity function by multiplying it by the amplitude and progress. This will ensure that the intensity will gradually vary along the length as the progression changes.
Then make the modulation depend on the progress. Because of this change, the intensity will gradually spread from the point closest to the touch to the furthest point as the progress changes.
Going back to SwiftUI, we add progress
as the ProgressiveGlow
parameter. We also need to provide values for the shader parameters just defined. Here the amplitude value is assumed to be 3.0, but you can change it to a more convenient value for you.
It remains to implement an animation mechanism for the glow, the heartbeat of which will be based on keyframe animation. Add a state variable glowAnimationID
that identifies the active glow animation.
Then replace a direct assign of modifier
with keyframeAnimator
wrap. Here the previously defined glowAnimationID
acts as a trigger for the animation and fires it whenever its value changes. The elapsedTime
parameter provided by closing the content of an animation represents, for our purposes, the progress of that animation.
Using keyframes
closure we can control the elapsedTime
value. By checking the presence of the glowAnimationID
value, we decide whether we should display the glow or hide it completely. MoveKeyframe
allows to set the initial value for elapsedTime
, and LinearKeyframe
allows to change this value to a new one for the specified time interval.
So basically when glowAnimationID
is not nil
, we change the value of elapsedTime
from 0.0 to 1.0 in 0.4 seconds and vice versa.
We also need to update the gesture handling by assigning a new animation identifier each time the user starts a new gesture cycle.
And clear the identifier as soon as the user completes the gesture cycle.
Well, there is a huge work done at the moment.
One third of our animation is done, moving further.
Ripple wave
Recent revisions of SwiftUI are marked by increased attention from Apple making Metal look not so scary and be easy to integrate with UI components. Thus WWDC24 features this great tutorial about creating custom visual effects, which contains the exact ripple effect we want to get.
Here is one of the sessions demonstrating wide options for creating custom visual effects in SwiftUI.
Let’s get better understanding of the math behind this shader.
First we calculate the distance between the origin of the wave and some point on the view.
Next, we model the time it takes for the wave to reach a point on the view. If the point is too far from the origin (i.e., if the delay is greater than the current time), we clamp the value to zero, indicating no ripple effect at that distance. Essentially, a higher speed results in a lower delay, leading to wider wave propagation per second, which means more pixels are affected by the ripple.
Next, we define the main value of this effect: the ripple amount. In this example, its heartbeat is determined by a sine function of time. The frequency modulates the number of peaks, while the amplitude defines the height of these peaks. An exponential decay function helps gradually diminish the effect over time.
Here is graphtoy link to better understand the function composition. The graph shows that the resulting function value quickly rises (indicated by the brighter pixels of the wave) in a short period, then gradually decreases as the wave fades. As a result, we will have one peak with bright values representing a wave moving from the touch location to the view borders.
Although graphtoy provides its own variable for time, we do not use it when explaining formulas. Our time variable is represented by values on Ox.
This part might be tricky: newPosition
is the coordinate of a pixel on the screen that will replace the current pixel. This creates a distortion effect, which becomes more pronounced with higher values of frequency and amplitude.
After that, we use newPosition
to retrieve the replacement pixel, specifically its color information.
All that’s left is to model the color brightness proportional to the ripple’s magnitude and the current alpha of that color.
Here is the complete code of this shader from the Apple’s tutorial. Note that the interface of this function is also built in a special way, in SwiftUI it corresponds to the layerEffect
Next same as with glow we declare a view modifier and duplicate all the properties from the shader interface.
We start the body of the modifier by invoking the shader library to create an instance of the shader function.
And we complete it by creating a shader effect in the visualEffect wrapper to allow SwiftUI to perform animations without affecting the layout of the elements.
Timing the ripple
For the final step, we need to link user actions with the shader call. Let’s add an identifier for the ripple animation and a separate variable to track the initial touch point.
Apply keyframeAnimator
to the lowest view in the hierarchy. The ripple parameters used here create a uniform wave that roughly aligns with the rest of the animation we're developing. We can also add sensoryFeedback
here to give the effect even more impact.
The keyframes describe the ripple motion in only one direction, as we start the animation when the user first touches the screen.
To trigger the animation, we update the gesture handling callback for the inactive
state by assigning a new identifier for the ripple and setting the location of the touch.
And that’s it! Now we can check the animation.
Particle cloud
To draw a particle cloud, we first need to understand its mathematics. Each particle is described by its location, velocity, and lifespan. For UI purposes, we can also include radius and color in this set.
For the particle cloud, we will maintain its center, which is defined by the user’s touch location. Based on this point, we can calculate the direction of motion for each particle.
Begin by defining structures for the described concepts. The SIMD types are vectors, so you can consider SIMD2<Float>
in Swift and float2
in Metal as the identical type. The progress
variable in ParticleCloudInfo
has the same definition as the one we've described for the glowing effect.
To implement the described behavior, the existing options for interaction between SwiftUI and Metal are insufficient. We need to go a bit deeper and leverage the interaction between UIKit and MetalKit. Declare a UIViewRepresentable
conforming type to adapt an MTKView
instance for use in SwiftUI.
To draw on the MTKView
instance, we need to create a type that conforms to MTKViewDelegate
. The Renderer
will manage everything needed to display the particles. First, we'll add a reference to MTKView
and a variable for the touch point, which will be in normalized values. By default, we will assume the touch is at the center of the view.
We also maintain a progress
variable here, defined similarly to the one in the glow shader. It affects the entire cloud based on whether the touch animation starts or ends. If progress
is zero, we disable particle rendering and hide them.
Next, we will manually configure the interaction between UIKit and MetalKit. The core of this interaction is the MTLDevice
type, which represents an instance of the GPU on the device and allows us to send commands for execution. We obtain a such one by calling MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice
To send commands, MTLDevice
provides an intermediary called MTLCommandQueue
. This can be roughly compared to GCD, where DispatchQueue
serves as a command sender.
Next, we need to create a representation of Metal functions, which is similar to what we have in SwiftUI. First, we create an MTLLibrary
using a bundle that contains the expected Metal functions, and then we build these functions using their names. We don't have the functions yet, but we'll address that shortly.
To use the described functions, we create a pipeline state, specifically instances of the MTLComputePipelineState
type. You can think of a pipeline state as a brush that the GPU uses for rendering — different brushes yield different rendering results.
We also need to set up the particle data. Here, you’ll find predefined values that align with existing animations, but feel free to input your own to better understand how the pipeline operates.
To track the progress of rendering and correctly set particle dynamics, we store this data locally. The shader code will fully process and update this data. To make it accessible to the shader, we store it as an MTLBuffer
The builder we use accepts a bytes pointer and the size of the memory at that pointer. Providing these parameters allows Metal to properly allocate memory for the parameters during shader execution.
Lastly, we need to inform MTKView
that the renderer we are describing will serve as its delegate. We also set the backgroundColor
to clear
to prevent UIView
behavior from affecting the shader and disable frame buffer to allow the further operations we are about to implement.
Conforming MTKViewDelegate
requires the implementation of two methods, in the article we will focus only on draw
The draw
method represents a single draw cycle, similar to what can be found, for example, in UIView
We start by setting up the core elements for the rendering pass. The drawable
serves as the canvas for our drawings, while the texture
contains the colors and content. To group all commands for a single rendering cycle, we use a commandBuffer
from the commandQueue
. Finally, the commandEncoder
translates Swift method calls into Metal instructions. At the very end, we set the texture in the encoder, which it will pass to the Metal shaders.
Next we have to code the states for the drawing cycle. The first is clearState
, whose task is to clear the canvas - to erase particles that may have been left after the previous drawing cycle. We passed the texture for the work earlier, but we will leave all the code of clearing in the shader. Here we need to tell it how to process the canvas correctly from the point of view of the device's computational capabilities.
By calling dispatchThreads
, we instruct the encoder to apply the current state. The first parameter specifies the total number of elements to process, calculated in three dimensions. Since we are working with a 2D image, we only need to provide the canvas width and height.
The second parameter defines how many elements the device processes at once. Since resources are limited, the GPU processes these elements in groups. For more complex tasks, this helps optimize the workload and improve performance. In our example, we can rely on the base values provided by the device. We use threadExecutionWidth as the number of threads in a horizontal group, and calculate the group's height by dividing the total area (
maxTotalThreadsPerThreadgroup`) by the width.
By using dispatchThreads
, we don't need to worry about whether the number of processed elements matches the number of threads in a group. Metal automatically handles this, provided the processor architecture supports nonuniform sizes. If the architecture misses such option option, calling the method will result in a runtime error. In this case, take into account size nonuniformity in calculations and call dispatchThreadgroups
This part of the code is provided for demonstration purposes, do not add it to the project. If at the end you get the above error when running the shader, come back here and use this code.
Next we encode the drawState
. The first step after a state change is setting the particle buffer. Using setBuffer
, we give the Metal shader a reference to this buffer, allowing it to read and write particle data. Then we prepare the cloud information and pass it using setBytes
, which copies the data directly to the GPU. This is sufficient since the shader will not modify this structure.
The final step in setting up this state is to call dispatchThreads
again, but this time the number of elements corresponds to the number of particles we want to display. The number of threads in one thread group will also remain the default value.
Same consideration regarding nonuniform dimensions.
This part of the code is provided for demonstration purposes, do not add it to the project. If at the end you get the above error when running the shader, come back here and use this code.
The final step in our rendering cycle is to finish encoding, present the current drawable, and send the commands for processing.
Before returning to writing the shader, let’s integrate the Renderer
into the ParticleCloud
description. When creating and updating the view, we assign a progress animation to ensure particle rendering stays up to date. We also pre-normalize the touch point so that the shader remains independent of the view's dimensions.
Shading the cloud
The first step is to duplicate the structure descriptions, making them accessible to the shaders.
Next, we’ll describe the shader for clearing the canvas. The parameters include the output
texture for processing, which is accessed using the [[texture]]
attribute. This attribute refers to the parameter table set earlier in the draw
method, with the texture located at index 0. The id
parameter corresponds to the index of the processing thread and the element being processed.
To clear the canvas, we set each pixel to transparent using half4(0)
, which returns a color where all components are set to 0.
Let’s move on to drawing the particles. Together with the texture we extract data about particles and the whole cloud from the buffer, their indices coincide with those specified earlier in the draw
With the first operation we convert the normalised centre position values to texture coordinates, so that we can work with pixels further.
Next, we define the rules for particle motion. Remember that the id
parameter corresponds to the current element, using it we get data about the particle from the buffer.
By default, we set three conditions for a particle’s “rebirth”:
If it is too close to the center. If it has just appeared (its coordinates are equal to 0.0). If its lifetime exceeds 100 ticks. In case one of the conditions is fulfilled, we assign the particle a random position within texture boundaries and reset its lifetime. Otherwise we move it towards the centre and increase its tick by one.
After computing the updated data, we update the particle and store it back into the buffer.
The rand
function provides some pseudorandom values in range from 0.0 to 1.0, which is enough for our control.
Now, we need to draw the particles. The lifetime of each particle determines its color intensity as it moves across the canvas, while the overall progress affects the color intensity of all particles in the cloud. This progress is controlled by a touch animation that begins when the user touches the screen and ends when they release it.
To draw, we iterate over the pixels in a 200 by 200 square and render only those pixels that fall within the circle.
In the implementation, instead of using the pixel’s coordinates to calculate the radius, we use its sequence number in the for loop.
Timing the cloud
Returning to SwiftUI, we now need to animate the particle cloud using keyframes. Since we declared ParticleCloud
as a view rather than a view modifier, we wrap it in keyframes differently by using the KeyframeAnimator
instance directly. This is the only difference; otherwise, the content and logic of the animation remain similar to what we implemented for the glow effect. Make sure you put the particles cloud on top of ripple view.
It was certainly a loaded but fascinating journey. We explored various approaches to working with shaders and their application in creating interactive UI components, particularly using the compute pipeline as a simple way to implement a particle system.
Where to go from here? You could, for instance, optimize by moving particle rendering from the compute pipeline to the rendering pipeline, which could potentially boost performance. Or add even more details about each particle, including the shining border and geometry changes.
As promised, here’s a link to the gist with the source code of this animation. Also sharing useful materials for a deeper dive into working with shaders:
- Memory Layout in Swift
- Metal in SwiftUI: How to Write Shaders
- Developer Documentation: Compute Passes
- Developer Documentation: SwiftUI Gestures
- The Book of Shaders
- Inigo Quilez
If you are also interested in learning the basics of rendering pipeline, check out my other article where we create a performant dissolve effect in Metal.
See you in the next experiments 🙌